Elden Ring: Hard Boss can be defeated with a simple move

First Boss Radhan is weaker, then from Software misses him an upgrade. And players still find a way to plain the Elden Ring Boss in Nu.

Update from April 6 2022

Player makes Radhan finished with a movement

After Much Software Radhan had made stronger after a bug in the update, the players and mess up the boss the tour. In a reddit clip, a player shows, namely, as he finishes the prince with a single movement.

While Radhan performs his comet attack, the player easily runs at the edge of the map. Since the boss always comes near where the player stands, he ends up and thus loses the fight:

Original message from 5 April 2022 - 08:46 clock

Elden Ring makes boss hard again

Only a few weeks ago, FROM software had published the first update for the very successful Elden Ring. In addition to new NPCs and quests, however, it was screwed in bugs. ** But it's also one of them: Starry Radahn was suddenly easier to defeat.

Between March 17 and April 5, players and players were able to find the boss in the castle rod only in his weakened form. His attacks have not caused so much damage **, as originally.

What was held by the fans for a conscious decision, but now turns out as a bug. In the latest patch notes, Bandai Namco writes that the Balancing of the Boss was now adapted. The power of his attacks was thus accidentally weakened. So now everything is again at the old 1. (Source: Bandai Namco)

Radhan is one of the toughest opponents in the game

Players call the boss as one of the heaviest throughout the game. Although you can help you of NPCs, in the end, Radhan remains an opponent who desperate many players. **

Elden Ring - EASILY Kill ANY Boss Trick! (Works on Final Boss)

Of course, in the usual Souls manner, the fans argue about how strong Radhan is actually. After all, there is still later, at the end of the game, ** a lot of bosses that are heavier than the boss in the castle rods. Countless memes speak but volumes: many players have their problems with the good.

_Ihr have already explored the intermediate lands extensively, but does not get enough of the Elden Ring Feeling? Then we listed seven games like Elden Ring for you, which can make you cheap steam: _

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