LOL: The Pentakill of a Darius that went from being the laughing of the game to the final boss

League of Legends is one of those games that despite seemingly repetitive and monotonous, always has moments that leave us speechless for one reason or another . Be it a play worthy of a challenger or a catastrophic failure in a game won, the qualifying games can be a totally different world if we compare them independently of each other. This is the case of a Darius that, although it seemed that it was going to be the laughing of the game, it turned out to be the unappealable king of the invoker crack in a few minutes.

Darius is one of those champions that thanks to his skills kit turns out to be a real monster in the lowest ranges , since the bleeding he does and the enormous damage of his final makes him the king of the upper lane in Bronze, silver and gold. And, although you go moderately badly in the game, Noxus's fury always returns by the big set when he gets double murder. But, they tell this player that he has burst a game despite going quite bad.

What happens when a DARIUS gets a LEVEL 1 PENTAKILL...

As can be seen in the video, Darius was with a shameful 0/7 on his score and with hardly any completed objects. However, the player knew that his champion is absurdly strong and he threw himself with his botlane partners to try to avoid a gank to leave them out. It is here when he began the show of bleeding for the Noxian and that, despite having failed numerous skills, he got a murder after another with the help of his companions. Thus, in a few minutes he went from 0/7 to 4/7 and more than one object and a half to his credit. **

Undoubtedly, these types of plays show us Two things : that Darius is absurdly broken with his passive and that you should not give up even if you have died several times . Always look for the opportunity to trace your departure and take advantage of your advantages to do all possible damage. Hopefully the game has gone well for him and his range has improved since we have counted this article.
