Do Rainbow Six servers do not work? How to check the status

Being a multi-user game, rainbow six siege from time to time will certainly be interrupted in the server. This can happen for various reasons, but in any case, players will not be able to play online. Since Ubisoft constantly releases events such as rainbow six siege, year 7, season 2, players will want to know whether the servers are connected to the network or not, so that they can play, and therefore it is important to know how to check the statuses of servers.

How to check the status of the server rainbow six siege


website rainbow six siege

players can check the status of the Siege server right on the game website. Having completed the search status of the Ubisoft rainbow six siege server or by clicking here, players can check the game servers. The site also automatically updates statuses once per minute, allowing players to find out the status as soon as possible.

Error Code rainbow six siege 6-0x00001000

However, if players have problems with the connection when the servers are on the network, this may be associated with an error code of 6-0x00001000. This error can be caused by many factors, and its correction may be a problem. However, there are several quick solutions that players can try if the problem is small:

  • Check your internet status or reset the router settings.
  • Check the rainbow six siege for updates.
  • Leave your Xbox profile and enter the same or another profile.
  • Change DNS settings for your computer.
  • For consoles, change the type of NAT to open.

If none of these corrections works, it is best to contact ubisoft support to find out if they can offer a solution.

Want to know more about Rainbow Six games? Check out the best weapons for weapons in the Rainbow Six Extraction, and how does the Maelstrom mode work in Rainbow Six from? From professional game guides!
