Tower of Fantasy: How to find and solve the sound detection system puzzle to obtain a golden core

The worlds of Tower of Fantasy hide many secrets, many protected by threads of missions, enemies and puzzles. While the first two can be resolved with swords, guns and other blunt objects, puzzles require exploration and think a little. For this reason, I tell you how to solve one of the most famous.


Sound detection system on Tower of Fantasy

During your adventures in Tower of Fantasy you will find many places and things. If you are lucky (or use the interactive map) you will run into the sound detection system . It is a puzzle that begins as much as you activate this system.

The key is Follow the sound . A stronger, closer. Soft, further. Whether you decide to solve the puzzle on your own and if you use this guide, I recommend playing with helmets. Your goal is to find several acoustic modules and insert them into the sound detection tower. The reward for doing so? Neither more nor less than a golden core.

The Sound Detection System is located north of the Saag_ Paso and southeast of the Fortaleza de Aamiel. Look well because you have a teleporter very close to the east of the point. You can see it yourself in the previous image and/or the interactive map. Once the puzzle is activated, you must find a module fragment in each location.

  • A-01 acoustic module: Go to the northwest, uploading the slope next to the tower. Look for two V-shaped trunks.
  • A-02 acoustic module: Go south from the tower and look for a metal structure covered by snow. Look for the fragment next to a shrub located in what seems like an entrance.
  • A-03 acoustic module: Go west from the tower, jump through a kind of V-shaped cliff.

Remember to guide you for sound even if you know the exact locations. In the image I have placed the original tower so you can guide yourself (more or less) at each point you should look for. Using this guide and the sound in the game, you should not have trouble finding the modules.

When you return to the tower to introduce the last module, the upper part will open and allow you to take your reward: a golden core ! It wasn't so difficult, right? This is one of the many puzzles in Tower of Fantasy.

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